Convert your Code to Color-Coded HTML (Access 97)
Version Compatibility:Visual Basic 6
More information: Save your module code in a text file (or code less than 32767 chars can be copied to clipboard). Then you can use this database to import the code into the db. Set any lines you want to be red-flagged. Set HTML title, Home page address, webmaster mailto address, and HTML colors for comments, blue-words, and flagged lines.
Save the code to a complete HTML page with a list of all procs at top of page with links to them in the page. At end of each proc is a "back to top" link
At end of save, given the option to view page in your browser where you can print your code to a color printer or, for old-eyes like mine, increase text size
Other save options are to save just the HTML version of your code to a text file or to the clipboard which you can then just paste into your web page.
The latest version, added 10/07/01, includes a number of enhancements, including:
Added routine to open another database and get code modules directly from that database (including class modules). You can now select another db, get back a list of procedures in that db, and choose which procedure codes you want to convert to HTML.
Added form to change HTML Color Codes.
Corrected catching some reserved words that were being missed in previous version.
Instructions: Click the link below to download the code. Select 'Save' from the IE popup dialog. Once downloaded, open the .zip file from your local drive using WinZip or a comparable program to view the contents
ASP Guest Book Version 2.0
Category:ASP, HTML, and XML
Version Compatibility: ASP
More information: The method I used to build this Guest Book allows to store records in a text file much like in a database. This text file is fully administrable through the admin page. ASP code demonstrates a text file manipulation using "fso" Access to administrator's page is protected with logon credentials in an encrypted password file. Although password can be changed directly from web page, I enclosed VB utility for creating or modifying this password file.
Version 2, released 3/3/03, is more easy to setup to match your website configuration. I have stripped graphics and buttons animation. It is still text file based and even faster now. The database text file path can now be easily changed via configuration file "modify.asp". The main advantage of a new version is that, it will match any website color palette in seconds. Just logon to the admin page and modify colors for 10 elements of the guest book.
Special Thanks to Lewis Moten for client side "Color Picker" core scriptlets. Note: The guest book is compatible with all browsers but Palette selector will only work in IE 5.5 and higher due to the client side VBScript.
View my choice of colors at:
If you'd like to see the old version it is still there for a while:
Good Luck!
NOTE: On NT/2000, don't forget to grant the internet anonymous user write file permissions for the .dat file. Once you do this, the application will run out of the box. See the readme.rtf file for more information.
This code has been viewed 60741 times.
Instructions: Click the link below to download the code. Select 'Save' from the IE popup dialog. Once downloaded, open the .zip file from your local drive using WinZip or a comparable program to view the contents.
ASP Chat Application Version 3.0
Author:Brian Gillham (Featured Developer)
Category:ASP, HTML, and XML
Version Compatibility:ASP
More information: Version 3.0 of ASPChatWorx, upgraded 07/05/2000, is a chat application implemented entirely in ASP and is ready to run immediately. All you need to do is create a virtual directory for the application, and copy the files from the .zip file into that directory. Refer to the readme.txt file for more information.
Note: Version 3.0 of the application works on IIS but not PWS. If you want a PWS friendly version, download version 2.0
This code has been viewed 289790 times.
Instructions: Click the link below to download the code. Select 'Save' from the IE popup dialog. Once downloaded, open the .zip file from your local drive using WinZip or a comparable program to view the contents.