Office Messenger: TCP/IP Client/Server Messaging Program

Version Compatibility: Visual Basic 6

More information: Office Messenger is an email-messaging program designed like Outlook 2000; it allows multiple users to interact using instant messaging and online/offline status's. The Server application connects to a Microsoft Access Database, and uses ADO and DAO components, to create/delete tables on the fly whenever a new user was registered. Each table maintains all individuals messages and enabled users to delete each record or batched. Controlled features allowed creating new database fields, adding new records, dropping record values into other fields, creating new tables, compress and repair the database, verify username and password against the database for additional security. These tasks are activated in the User Interface remotely via Internet access or LAN.

Key Features:

* Open Source Code to Compress a Access Table.
* Create Multi User environments with Winsock Controls.
* Authenticate a single user against a record set in a Access Table.
* Broadcast online user lists to other users connected via Tree View Control.
* Create/Delete separate Tables for new users on the fly.
* Download and Export messages to a C.S.V format
* Create New Records (when new message has been sent)
* Delete a batch of Records (Rubbish Bin)
* Modify or transfer Record item to another Field (Drag Drop)
* Add/Delete Fields.
* Sends Email through to server application.

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Instructions: Click the link below to download the code. Select 'Save' from the IE popup dialog. Once downloaded, open the .zip file from your local drive using WinZip or a comparable program to view the contents.

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